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Thursday, 8 May 2014


1. India has the highest number of black people in the world, second only to Nigeria. They are discriminated against by racist caste systems.

 2.Aboriginal black Australians were considered as animals in the "fauna and flora act" of the British empire, so it was a perfectly legal and common sport to poach them for trophies!

 3. The Chinese and Mongol people have San-like features(a southern African group of people).

 4. The first woman on earth was from Africa not the garden of Eden according to verifiable scientific evidence. 

 5. There are indigenous black people with Yoruba-like language and culture in brazil, they worship ogun! 

 6. Blacks were the original settlers of china(Shang dynasty), they had white slaves! 

 7. Nok culture in central Nigeria is almost twice the age of any civilization east of khemet(Jericho and Babylon included). 

8. Jesus most likely had Nubian features! 

9. khemet and its pharaohs were the first recorded civilization on earth and also the first to believe in monotheism, later copied by Jews and Arabs! 

10. Africans reached the Americas centuries before Christopher Colombus drifted ashore! 

11. Europeans used to send their people to learn science and medicine from African scholars in khemet(ancient Egypt). It was considered posh and a sign of affluence for Europeans to study in Africa! 

12. Africans were the first to have a list of drugs and diseases they cured(pharmacy)! Canabis sativa(marijuana) was a pain reliever! 

13. The richest man in history was a Malian king(would be worth $400B in today's money)! 

14. Africa has the largest and most diverse number of languages amongst the different continents! 

15. Jesus and Moses both studied African mysticism and medicine (possible source of their potent magic and healing feats)! 

Compiled by Egbuniwe I. Bright (Africanist)

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